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Meditate Your Way to a Healthy Digestive Tract

Writer's picture: AshleyAshley

Updated: Jun 8, 2020

Okay so I'm personally not someone who meditates a lot. I have practiced a few times during yoga classes but that's about the extend of my practice. My boyfriend Ben has been reading this book called "The Ripple Effect" by Greg Wells, Ph.D. (the one shown below!) which talks all about the mind body connection and the importance of getting enough sleep, a healthy diet and exercise to improve mental wellbeing.

The Ripple Effect

I was reading a section of this book the other night that totally sparked my attention... he was talking about how strong of an impact meditation can have on the way you do all of these things (sleep, eat, move, think) and I just had to learn more! Like I said, I don't practice meditation a lot but I find it super interesting that there's such a strong connection and even more that there's actually research that supports it. I don't have the most amazing digestive tract ever, and I'm sure many of you can relate, so if something like meditation can help me feel better I'm all about trying it!

When I was just starting off in my nutrition degree I pictured myself working in a hospital writing chart notes and getting my daily dose of medical nutrition therapy but as I've progressed through my courses my interest has totally shifted towards holistic nutrition. The thought of being able to help people overcome their conditions and illnesses without medication sounds pretty fantastic. While yes medications are the best solution for certain things, being able to help cure nutrition related illnesses like hypertension or cardiovascular disease just by altering your food choices sounds so much better than taking a handful of pills everyday. This is partially why I wanted to try the vegan diet... knowing how beneficial plant-based foods can be to health makes it completely worth it to not eat that pizza at lunch or to pass on the dip at a party (granted I can still have those things using plant-based foods instead!). The difference I feel in my own health from just two weeks is already amazing and while it can be challenging at times, the benefits definitely outweigh the cons for me.

What is Meditation?

I'm sure you've all heard about mediation many times throughout your lives and you probably picture a yoga guru sitting in front of a Buddha statue when you hear the name, but have you ever taken the time to actually learn what it really is?

Here are a few definitions that came up when I searched meditation in google:

"A means of transforming the mind"

"A practice of nonjudgmental observation, typically involving the breath as an anchor to ground yourself firmly in the present moment"

"A mental exercise that involves relaxation, focus, and awareness".

So as you can see there it not one clear definition of what meditation truly is... the definition is in a way whatever you want it to be. It is a complex way of explaining turning off your mind and focusing on your inner self. It is a very individual thing, even if you're practicing with others... no two people meditate the same! It is centred around your breath and involves shifting your focus to your breathing and finding a state of deeper relaxation and positive emotions.

How Can Meditation Help My Digestion?

So maybe you're like me and struggle with digestive issues whether you know what they are or have no sweet clue. Meditation helps to allow your body to relax and can reduce stress throughout your entire body which is why some of you may have heard of meditation as a way to help with anxiety or just stress in general. It can also help reduce internal stress within your body by activating the parasympathetic nervous system which is responsible for both resting and digesting. Stress is one of the most significant contributors to digestive problems because in certain situations it causes inflammation. Whether you're stressed because of work, school, maybe you've recently experienced an injury, maybe you're not getting the healthiest diet or not getting proper sleep or exercise, it all comes down to the same thing... STRESS!! And stress is inflammatory.. there's no way around it! What meditation does is helps to reduce that stress by reaching a deeper level of relaxation and helping to ease the mind of all those life stressors that keep bringing you down. So by triggering that parasympathetic nervous system, you're triggering the part of your brain that say "Hey, it's going to be okay" and tells the rest of your body to relax therefore reducing the inflammation going on in your digestive tract.

So How Do I Start? I've Never Meditated Before!

For any of you that already practice meditation regularly, YOU ROCK! Keep on going. But for those of you like me who are still trying to get the hang of it or have never tried it before, here are a few simple tips to help get you started!

1. Find a comfortable spot. You want to be comfy and cozy and not worried about what's going on around you while you're trying to meditate. Try sitting on a comfy cushion or blanket or roll out your yoga mat. You also don't have to be sitting up straight with your legs crossed! Sit or lay however you feel comfortable.

2. Keep track of your thoughts. Just be aware of what's going on inside your head! Find yourself drifting into random thoughts? Thats awareness right there! Don't get too caught up on it just be mindful and aware and remember there is not right or wrong way to meditate.

3. Download an app! There are TONS of great and FREE meditation apps out there to help you get going on your journey to relaxation. They help guide you through the process and guide your breathing to help you find your centre. Some of these include Headspace: Meditation & Sleep, Calm: Sleep, Meditation, Relax, and Insight Timer.

I hope you learned a thing or two from this post and decide to give meditation a try! I know I'm going to be making it a daily ritual... I'll update you all on my progress!

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